Is not just Black/White, Yellow/Brown, Red & Blue
Also Women/Men, Children/Old, Beliefs & LGBTQ too
For now Life is not Fair
But do not make Somebody’s Nightmare
You do not need to like me, so that you can stand with me
Eventhough you hate me just please do not harm me
Let us all accept our BS(es)- Our Belief System
For your Works & Knowledge validated by them
Your Life, Thoughts, Hands & Mouth will Yield Fruits
These will Prove if it is to Destroy or Build results
One Vision, One Mission, One Team, One Dream
To Share this Planet for all that’s all what it means
Please understand that my Backyard is mine
And I understand that your Backyard is yours
If you need something from me, just ask me
Even it’s just enough for me, I will give thee
If I need anything from you, I’ll ask you
Whether you help me or not, I’ll still salute you
Diseases like Skeptichism, Prejudism, Criticism & Pessimism
These make us ALL numb, cold & the Society’s Embolism
Every Day, Every Moment, Trust is what we need
Let’s build it together in order for us to Proceed
In this World of Constant Changes & Ambiguation
Just allow PMA (Present Moment Awareness) to influence the Situation
Let us Trust the System & Trust this Process
After all we have made them, so don’t be Stressed
In your eyes, your part might be Brittle
But that doesn’t matter as long as it Kiddle
Your Contribution, Little it might be
But as we gather all, it is Completeness for me
I beseech you Inhabitants of Planet Earth
Let us all Trust, Respect & Share, for everybody has Worth
I do Recognized & Acknowledge your own Rights
Please do the same, Not Forcing nor Imposing against mine
Oh Diversity, Diversity this is how it should be
Let us ALL be a Part of this Wonderful, Peaceful Variety!